19841 Winston Smith, the main character, works in London, at the Ministry of Truth. London is a city in Airstrip One, a Province of Oceania. A government that goes by the name ?Big Brother? has construe over the world. The Party with Big Brother as its issue leader rules Oceania, a state and oneness of the great powers of the world. Winston hates the sprightliness he lives under the inflexible government and decides to write piling his thoughts in a diary. This is considered a crime in Oceania and Winston knows that. And he knows one day he will be ascertained by the ?Thought Police.

? To keep the members of this companionship occupied, frequent both trice ?Hate Sessions? are held to accuse the enemies of the party such(prenominal) as Emmanuel Goldstein who questioned party doctrines. Winston dreams of an pleasant estate. A Golden country in which any form of expression is considered all right. The party discourages love, and makes any relationship with a party member impossible. Winston notices ...If you pauperization to push a full essay, order it on our website:
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